Lesson Plan

 Day 2

Lesson Plan


  • Students will be shown examples of misleading graphs and how to make the graphs fair. 
  • Students have been using graphs to represent data.
  • Lesson demonstrates how graphs can be used to persuade consumers to take a particular view of the data.

 Learning Objective(s) 

  • Students will be able to create accurate graphs, explain why a specific type of graph is used, and be able to recognize misleading graphs.  (MA-08-4.1.4)
  • Students will see actual graphs that have been used to persuade consumers to make a particular choice, and how to fairly represent the data using graphs.  The scale of graphs will be highlighted.
Name: Matthew WhislerDate: 3/18/2010
Age/Grade Level: 7th grade-APNumber of Students: 29
Number of Students with IEP / 504 plan: 1 (autism-mild)Number of Gifted Students: 29
Number of English Language Learners: 0Subject: Math
Major Content: GraphingLesson Length: 35 minutes
Unit Title: GraphingLesson Number and Title: Understanding graphs



Program of Studies: UnderstandingsProgram of Studies:Skills and ConceptsRelated Core Content
 MA-8-DAP-U-1Students will understand that quantitative literacy is a necessary tool to be an intelligent consumer and citizen. MA-8-DAP-U-2Students will understand that the collection, organization, interpretation and display of data can be used to answer questions.MA-8-DAP-S-DR1Students will collect, organize, construct, analyze and make inferences from data in a variety of graphical methods (e.g., drawings, tables/charts, pictographs, bar graphs, circle graphs, line plots, Venn diagrams, line graphs, stem-and-leaf plots, scatter plots, histograms, box-and-whiskers plots).MA-08-4.1.4Students will:·      construct data displays (Venn diagrams, tables, line graphs, stem-and-leaf plots, circle graphs, scatter plots);·      explain why the type of display is appropriate for the data and·      explain how misleading representations affect interpretations and conclusions about data (e.g., changing the scale on a graph).



Resources, Media and Technology 

  • Notebook computer, MS PowerPoint, MS Word, Google-images from internet (see handout/presentation references), overhead projector, white board, and markers.
  • I used information from the KDE website, including KCCT standards.  Presentation references can be found on last page of presentation.

 Procedures (Say, See, Do)

      ·         I will lead a discussion regarding graphs and how they are used in advertising and the media.  During the discussion, I will ask leading questions in order to trigger prior knowledge before introducing the concept of misleading graphs.  This is a diverse, advanced placement class and I do not anticipate any special needs.

  • Introduction and lead-in discussion (2 minutes), presentation of graphs with questions and answers (13 minutes), activity-constructing misleading graphs(10 minutes), activity-correcting misleading graphs (5 minutes), discussion and wrap-up (5 minutes)

Assessment Plan

  • Students will create a graph, trying to be as misleading as possible, by manipulating the scale or type of graph used to present the data.  The students will then exchange papers and correct their partner’s misleading graph, creating an honest and fair graph.  Papers will be collected.
Objective / Assessment Organizer


Type of Assessment

Description of Assessment

Adaptations and/or Accommodations

Objective 1


Create graph and correct partner’s graph

Extra time for one student with IEP (Autism)