Unit Outline


Unit Outline Template (provided via LiveText)

  Unit Planning Template Teacher(s)       ____Matthew G. Whisler___________        Subject(s)/Course(s):___Mathematics_____    Grade/Level___8th grade___    UnitTopic/Focus:____Graphing_____     Integration with other content areas (if applicable)_________political science , consumer education, computer ed.  Estimated time for implementation:______4-5  days_____


Program of Studies: UnderstandingsProgram of Studies:Skills and ConceptsRelated Core Content
MA-8-DAP-U-1Students will understand that quantitative literacy is a necessary tool to be an intelligent consumer and citizen. MA-8-DAP-U-2Students will understand that the collection, organization, interpretation and display of data can be used to answer questions.MA-8-DAP-S-DR1Students will collect, organize, construct, analyze and make inferences from data in a variety of graphical methods (e.g., drawings, tables/charts, pictographs, bar graphs, circle graphs, line plots, Venn diagrams, line graphs, steMA-and-leaf plots, scatter plots, histograms, box-and-whiskers plots).MA-08-4.1.4Students will:·      construct data displays (Venn diagrams, tables, line graphs, stem-and-leaf plots, circle graphs, scatter plots);·      explain why the type of display is appropriate for the data and·      explain how misleading representations affect interpretations and conclusions about data (e.g., changing the scale on a graph).DOK 2 
   After gathering data, how can the data be best presented in order to convey the correct information it represents? 
  • How can data be visually communicated?
  • What data does each kind of graph communicate best?
  • How can graphs be used to mislead and/or influence others?
 Assessment (day 2 and day 4)
  • Day 2 assessment is to demonstrate understandings (formative)
  • Day 4 assessment is to demonstrate accuracy of graphs, completeness, and the look of the graph itself. (summative)
 Resources / Technology: Computer, internet connection, search engines (Yahoo, Bing, Google, etc.), graphing site (http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/index.asp), graph paper, calculator, SmartBoard or OHP connected to computer, jump drive (or link to student work). 
  • Internet access during school hours in lab or classroom and at home.  Special accommodation will be made for students without home access (before/after school, during planning period, etc.)
 Outline of Daily Plans
  • Day 1:  Objective: Students will be able to identify fair and misleading graphs. Students will demonstrate proper data collection methods.
  • Procedure: Students will review pre-selected graphs, focusing on the scale, accuracy and types of graphs available. Students will review proper methods for data collection.  Students will begin gathering data for day 4 activity.
  • Day 2:  Objective: Students will be able to create accurate graphs, explain why a specific type of graph is used, and be able to recognize misleading graphs.  
  • Procedure:  Students will create a misleading graph (from given data) and then exchange with a partner who corrects the graph to make it fair.  Graphs will be collected for assessment, student and partner will be graded for completeness and understanding.
  • Day 3:  Objective: Students will be able to discuss their graphs, including any problem areas.  Students will be able to recognize misleading graphs and will know how to make the graphs more accurate.
  • Procedure:  Students will give a short presentation of their graphs.  Students will explain the importance of scale, type of graph used, and accuracy of data collection.  Students will continue with researching for day 4 activity.
  • Day 4:  Objective: Students will explain how to properly gather data and how to best present the data.  Students will create a graph based on their own data.
  • Procedure:  Students will present their project graphs using the overhead projector or smartboard tusing the gathered data, students will be able to create a true graph and a misleading graph (highlighting a single point of view).  Graphs will be collected for assessment.